
Showing posts from April, 2020

A world of 3020

As I sit self quarantined in my room, one of the fundamental questions which leaves me wondering, Why was humanity, with all its technological and economic prosperity, unable to tackle a simple attack like a virus? Surely, with the combined might of the world, we should have been able to counter this virus even before it originated. Why have more than 100,000 people (as I write this) died? Most of them in the seemingly prosperous western civilization?  For this, we need to understand the formation of the global economy and civilization as one single entity. To do that, we need to go back to 1945, the end of the second world war. A number of institutions were formed after the second world war, to ensure that humanity never comes close to a global conflict like it ever again. Those institutions failed to make any dent, and the entire human race came towards the brink of conflict a number of times after 1945. Some of them are those we have last read about in our civics...